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A compact and quick insight into how you can query CDS database using C#

xrm CRM Dynamics

Recently Microsoft has released new product feature where we can directly connect to SQL and write query into CSD Database. Currently this is in preview and not recommended for Product environment.

This feature will only allow you to perform Read only operations, it does not allow to perfrom DDL statement.

To check if you CRM instance is eligible for this new feature navigate to and select environment at top right corner. Select Data->Entity->Check if you see Analyze in Power BI ribbon button on top. If it is available then your CRM instance is eligible for this feature.

To Connect to CDS Database update below settings to your CRM instance

Navigate to>Select your environment->Click on Settings->Products->Features and enable TDS (Tabular Data Stream) then click on Save.

Blog07Steps to connect to CDS Database from SSMS V18.5

To connect to CDS DB using SSMS, you need to have SSMS V18+ installed…

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